Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another 1080 Bows for Welfare of the People

Jogye Order Administration’s monastics and employees as well as other Buddhists offered another 1080 Bows at Nakdan Dam of the Nakdong River for the preservation of Korean culture and the welfare of the people on February 18. Over 300 began bowing around noon and finished around 4 p.m. with the Four Great Vows. This is the second time 1080 bows have been offered for the welfare of the people. The first time was on January 10 at Cheongyecheon Stream in Seoul.

The participants resolved to do their best to contribute to the preservation of the Korean culture, as well as self-introspection and reform. The Director of the Committee for the Preservation of Korean Culture, Ven. Jangjeok said, “In order to preserve Korean culture and reform, we Buddhists must change ourselves. It is an aspiration to go forth on the path of the Mahayana with society and the Korean people. The participants here resolve to walk together with the Korean people and uphold Korean Buddhism correctly with the wish to do better.”

This practice meeting was held to repent of the lack of participation by Korean Buddhism in society in the past and for the restoration of democracy for the happiness and safety of the Korean people. In addition, this meeting was held for the preservation of Korean culture and to pray for interreligious harmony. The participants resolve to personally preserve and uphold the Korean culture.

As the participants offered bows to the stone Buddha, it was a time of self-reflection on how they could not stop the environmental damage done by the Four Rivers Project of the government. It was a time to resolve that they will do their best to preserve Korean culture.

These practices are a part of the 100 days of practice for the welfare of the people and preservation of Korean culture. There will be another 1080 bows at the end of the 100 days, which will be March 23.

See more pictures here.

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